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Statement of Faith

We believe in God and that He has revealed Himself to us as recorded in the Bible.

We believe that God loves and desires a relationship with all people.

We believe that God wants us to have good relationships with one another.

We believe that God desires the best for us as well as the best from us.

We believe that sin has kept us from a true relationship with God.

We believe through Jesus Christ and Salvation, our intended relationship with God is restored.

We believe that we are responsible for all our actions and inactions.

We believe that our sinful nature adversely affects our relationships with one another.

We believe in the Apostolic Faith (the faith of the Apostles).

We believe the Bible, the Old and New Testament, reveals the Word of God necessary for our Salvation and is the ultimate source of truth.

We believe that through a life giving relationship with Christ our lives are transformed as we pray, study, and are discipled.

We believe that we are intended to grow relationally and that through godly counsel and scriptural wisdom our growth is fostered.

Higher Standards

We hold ourselves bound to the highest biblical, ethical, and legal standards. To understand our ethical and legal standards, please refer to the following websites: